7 worst habit for your brain 1

7 worst habits for your brain

Ever feel like you’re wading through a foggy marsh, with your brain not firing on all cylinders? You might chalk it up to fatigue or stress. But what if the real culprits are habits that seem harmless?

We’ve all been there—overthinking until we’re mentally exhausted, procrastinating till deadlines loom menacingly, aiming for perfection only to be trapped in a loop of dissatisfaction.

Often we make the same choices that we did ten years ago like staying up late playing games instead of finishing our projects. Our struggles to accomplish tasks and work on our dreams can be thwarted by bad habits from our unconscious mind. 

Here are the top 7 worst habits for your brain and how to start changing them.


Ever find yourself stuck in a thought loop, endlessly analyzing the same issue? Welcome to the world of overthinking also known as analysis paralysis. Overthinkers can turn simple decisions into complex puzzles and make mountains out of molehills. 

It’s a common habit to think of all the possibilities on what’s the best outcome or the worse case scenarios but it can lead people into a habit of constantly overanalyzing every new decision.  

This habit not only wastes time but also leads to stress and anxiety.

Becoming Aware of Your Thought Patterns

To tackle overthinking, you first need to recognize when it’s happening. Awareness is half the battle won. Start noticing when your thoughts start spiraling – are there specific triggers or situations?

A journal can be helpful here; write down what you’re thinking about and how long you’ve been dwelling on it for some insight into your patterns.

The 5-Second Rule Can Help Break The Cycle

Mel Robbins’ 5-second rule can be a great tool for breaking this cycle. When you notice yourself falling into an overthinking spiral, count backwards from five then make a decision. Most decisions in life less permanent than we believe. 

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness, a form of meditation, is another powerful tool to combat overthinking. By focusing on the present moment and accepting it without judgment, you can reduce your tendency to dwell on past mistakes or worry about future outcomes.

Research by APA shows that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) can be particularly effective in reducing recurrent bouts of depression, which are often linked with chronic overthinking.

Occasionally, we all find ourselves becoming entangled in our thoughts but if we make it a habit, it can prevent us from moving forward.


It’s tempting to regard procrastination as laziness, but it can impede you from realizing your highest potential. While the immediate gratification of putting off tasks may feel good in the moment, over time this behavior can lead to stress and underachievement.

The reasons for procrastinating vary among individuals, but common causes include fear of failure or success, lack of motivation or focus, perfectionism tendencies, fear of the unknown, and feeling overwhelmed by a task. 

Acknowledging Imperfection Helps Beat Procrastination

A way out involves embracing imperfections rather than waiting for perfect conditions before starting something. This concept encourages progress over perfection because we learn more through doing than theorizing alone.

Moving forward imperfectly might seem counterintuitive initially, especially if you’re used to setting high standards for yourself; however, adopting this mindset fosters growth while diminishing stagnation induced by excessive planning without action.

I wrote in-depth on how to stop procrastinating.


The desire for perfection can be like a two-edged sword. On one side, it pushes us to strive for excellence, but on the other hand, it may hinder progress when nothing seems good enough.

As Thomas Curran and Andrew Hill point out in their research study, perfectionism has increased significantly over time due to societal pressures and expectations.

The Trap of Perfectionism

We often fall into the trap of thinking that perfect is the only acceptable standard. But this kind of mindset can lead to chronic dissatisfaction and frustration because let’s face it – no one is perfect.

In fact, as per psychologist Dr. Alice Boyes’ insights, unattainable standards not only breed self-doubt but also impede productivity by causing procrastination or work paralysis.

Finding Balance: Good Enough Over Perfect

Rather than striving for an elusive ‘perfect’, aiming for ‘good enough’ might be a more practical and healthy approach. This concept known as “satisficing,” coined by economist Herbert Simon, provides relief from decision fatigue and reduces anxiety associated with making choices – all too common symptoms among perfectionists.

  • Satisficing lets you focus on accomplishing tasks rather than obsessing about details.
  • This method frees up mental energy which could be used elsewhere.
  • Moving away from idealistic standards may help improve overall well-being.

Overcoming Perfectionism: Practical Steps

While it’s easier said than done, overcoming perfectionism is possible with conscious effort and consistency. Focusing on how big your improvements are from your efforts rather than the gap between you and the ideal.

  • Acknowledge your tendency towards perfection and its impact on your life.
  • Redefine success not as flawlessness but as continual growth and learning.
  • Remember, being encouraging to yourself is key.

Negative Thinking

It’s human nature to occasionally indulge in negative thinking. But when it becomes a habit, it can have detrimental effects on our brain and overall well-being.

The Causes of Negative Thinking

Understanding the root causes is crucial to tackling this harmful habit. One major cause is our inherent bias towards negativity – an evolutionary trait that once helped us anticipate threats. However, in today’s world, this often leads us down the path of pessimism and worry without any real threat at hand.

A second significant cause is past experiences or trauma which may trigger automatic negative thoughts in certain situations. 

Fighting Back Against Negativity

Tackling habitual negative thinking isn’t about ignoring reality or blindly adopting a positive outlook. It’s about acknowledging negatives while focusing more on potential positives.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This evidence-based approach helps you recognize distortions in your thought processes and reframe them positively.
  • Mindfulness: Meditation has been shown to reduce rumination—a common feature of persistent negativity—and improve cognitive flexibility. (study here)
  • Gratitude: Practicing gratitude can shift your focus from what’s wrong to appreciating what’s right in life. Think of you emotions like a muscle. The more you work out your positivity, the stronger it becomes. 

Making Positive Changes Stick

Fighting negative thinking requires consistent effort. It can be daunting and lonely to feel like you’re the only one focused on improving yourself. Remember there are support groups for almost everyone online. Even the smallest changes have impact when you’re able to do them over the long term.

Risk Aversion

When it comes to our brains, risk aversion can be a major stumbling block. It’s the tendency to prefer safety and certainty over uncertainty and potential danger. But here’s an interesting twist: taking calculated risks can actually stimulate brain growth and open up new paths for success.

The Impact of Risk Aversion on Your Life

Avoiding risk might seem like a smart move. Why not stay away from any chances of loss? But sticking strictly in your comfort zone is keeping you away from that million dollar idea you’ve had.

Taking calculated risks is part-and-parcel of any successful endeavor – from starting a business venture to exploring uncharted territories in science or art. If we let fear dictate our actions too much, we may miss out on potentially rewarding opportunities. “The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks,” said Mark Zuckerberg.

Better Risks for Better Rewards

You might ask: How do I start embracing more risk? The answer lies within shifting your mindset about failure itself – see it as an opportunity for learning rather than something negative. 

Becoming more comfortable with taking risks involves a balance of courage, judgment, and wisdom. It’s about assessing potential outcomes, weighing up pros and cons, then making an informed choice – not jumping blindly into danger.

By developing a healthy approach towards risk-taking, we may be able to stimulate our brain growth while also improving various aspects of life like career progression or personal development. Remember – it’s not about being reckless; it’s about opening yourself up to new possibilities.

Key Takeaway: 

Shying away from risks may feel safe, but it can hinder your brain growth and personal achievements. Embracing calculated risks, on the other hand, activates brain areas that enhance decision-making and problem-solving skills. So don’t let fear rule you – view failure as a learning opportunity, assess potential outcomes wisely before diving in, and unlock new possibilities for success.


It’s no secret that distractions can derail your focus. Did you know that distractions not only disrupt focus, but also significantly impair brain performance? Yes, this habit of constantly switching between tasks or getting pulled away by notifications isn’t just annoying—it’s detrimental to our mental well-being.

The world is buzzing with information overload and it’s easy to get caught up in the digital noise. From incessant social media updates to relentless email alerts—distractions are everywhere. And let’s not forget about those pesky pop-up ads. They seem harmless but studies show these interruptions make us less productive and more stressed.

The Impact of Distraction on Brain Function

Your brain needs time for focused attention—to learn, solve problems, create memories and generate new ideas. Every time you’re distracted, it takes an average 23 minutes for your mind to return fully engaged back into what you were doing according to research from APA.

Beyond productivity loss, frequent task-switching makes us feel mentally exhausted even when we haven’t done much work—a phenomenon known as cognitive fatigue.

Taming The Beast: How To Combat Distraction?

  • Excisersize Ignoring: Everytime you hear a phone ding, ignore it for a minute or two before picking it up. Train your brain to not act on impulse.
  • Mindfulness Practice: Engaging in activities such as meditation, yoga or simply taking a walk in nature can help enhance your focus.
  • Single-tasking: Focus on one task at a time. It might seem counterintuitive in today’s multitasking world but single-tasking is actually more efficient and less mentally draining.

To put it bluntly, distractions are like junk food for the brain—tempting yet harmful in excess. By recognizing this habit and adopting strategies to stay focused, you’re not just boosting productivity—you’re also making sure that your brain stays healthy.

Key Takeaway: 

Don’t let constant social media updates or email notifications get in your way—they mess with your brain and hurt productivity. To fight this, take frequent digital detoxes, engage in mindful activities like meditation or yoga, and prioritize single-tasking over multitasking. Keep in mind: staying on track isn’t just about ramping up productivity—it’s key to keeping sane too.


Staying alone on purpose may appear to be a secure refuge, but it usually brings about emotions of profound loneliness. It’s not just about feeling blue; chronic loneliness can have serious effects on your brain.

The habit of self-isolation and constant solitude may feel comforting at first glance. But let’s flip the coin here: Loneliness has been linked with increased risk for cognitive decline. Now that’s a sobering thought.

The Brain on Solitude

Depriving your brain of social contact is akin to depriving it of essential sustenance – just like how food and water are necessary for the body. When you deprive yourself of human connection, your mental health starts to suffer.

Constant solitude acts like a slow poison for the mind – quite literally. According to research from Robert S Wilson et al., lonely individuals showed more signs of preclinical Alzheimer’s disease than their socially active counterparts.

Battling Loneliness with Connection

Fighting off this damaging habit isn’t easy, but it is achievable. Start by reaching out more – be it through calls or meet-ups. Don’t shy away from making new connections either – remember variety is the spice of life (and brain).

  • Create Routine: Make sure there are regular points in your day when you interact with others.
  • Nurture Existing Relationships: Strengthen bonds with family members and friends.
  • New Connections: Join clubs or groups based around activities you enjoy.

The Importance of Balance

Now, don’t get me wrong. There’s a world of difference between being alone and feeling lonely. Solitude can be refreshing and therapeutic when balanced with social interaction.

Don’t sweat it, no need to turn into a party pro all of a sudden. Just find your balance.

What are the 7 worst habits for your brain?

The seven worst habits for your brain include overthinking, procrastination, perfectionism, negative thinking, risk aversion, distraction, and loneliness.

What are the 10 habits that drain your brain?

Apart from those mentioned above; inadequate sleep, poor nutrition, and dieting can also contribute to draining one’s mental energy. Lack of physical activity is another key habit.

What are some habits that damage your brain?

Habits like smoking or excessive drinking can be harmful. Not exercising regularly or consuming a nutrient-poor diet might also negatively impact our brains’ health.


So, we’ve navigated the murky waters of the 7 worst habits for your brain. Quite a trek, huh?

Overthinking? We know now that it can fog up our minds worse than fatigue or stress ever could.

Procrastination and perfectionism? They’re not just roadblocks but total dead-ends on our path to happiness and clarity.

Negative thinking, risk aversion, distraction—they may seem harmless but they are far from benign. Each is a habit with its own way of muddling up our mental health.

Last but definitely not least: loneliness. We now understand how this self-imposed isolation can impact us in ways more profound than mere sadness or boredom.

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